An illusory between

An illusory walkway  between.

A partial view, cropped by the photographer, can evoke an altered response,
an illusory sense,
a walk between two structures: seeing and knowing,

a sense of truth, forgetting what’s outside the margins,
a sense of  “I saw, therefore it is  (as I saw)”
a sense there’s no need to look again
or think.


Note: also posted at “See Diving”


Inside and outside the lines

Crop a photo and you show only part of  the  story; context is not in the frame. 

What part of the story is left out of this shot?

I was a passenger in one car, trying to snap a photo while an imposingly huge transport truck came rumbling up behind.   After we turned the corner I watched the truck driver wait as protectively as a mama and papa goose for everyone to make it safely across.

Parent geese teaching goslings how to cross the street safely? 
